欧博注册【y8300.com】.kai in Chinese

发布时间:2025-02-15 01:19

Until then Kai's in charge.

在 那 之前 Kai 来 管理.


I would like to acknowledge the presence in the Chamber of Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão.



The delegation was later notified in writing that such a sheet exists in draft form, but that it had not yet been distributed to the police stations because the authorities were investigating whether there was a need to harmonize it with the provisions of the Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on Certain Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings Throughout the European Union (COM(2004) 328 final).

后来,代表团又被书面告知,该资料单只是一个草稿,鉴于有关当局正在调查是否需要与关于欧洲联盟刑事诉讼中的某些程序权利的理事会框架决定提案(COM(2004) 328最终提案)的条款进行协调,因此尚未向各警察局分发。


Let me start by thanking Mr. Kai Eide, Special Representative of the Secretary-General, for his comprehensive briefing and for presenting the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Afghanistan

我要首先感谢秘书长特别代表凯·艾德先生的全面通报,感谢他介绍秘书长关于阿富汗局势的报告( # )。


Between 2010 and 2013, Rissho Kosei-kai made financial contributions to the following United Nations bodies:



When Kay and Florence were assigned elsewhere, I was the only one in town preaching Bible truths from house to house.



The rest of the decade was punctuated by the Mexican peso crisis of 1994, the East Asian crisis of 1997-98, and troubles in Brazil, Argentina, Turkey, and elsewhere, and the new millennium began with the collapse of the dot-com bubble in 2000 and the economic fallout from the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.



Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, and my Special Representative (hereinafter referred to as the “agreement”) and in accordance with the Arrangement on the Restoration and Maintenance of Public Security in Timor-Leste and Assistance to the Reform, Restructuring and Rebuilding of the Timorese National Police and the Ministry of the Interior, concluded between the Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT on 1 December 2006.



On 10 October 2007, the European Commission presented its vision for an “Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union” (COM (2007) 575)



Also on 11 July, under “Other matters”, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia, Nicholas Kay, briefed the Council on the situation in Somalia, following Al-Shabaab attacks in Mogadishu.



And we're alive, Kay.

而 我们 活着 , 凯 , 活在 现在 , 现在


Under rule # of its provisional rules of procedure, the Council extended an invitation to Kai Eide, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan

安理会根据其暂行议事规则第 # 条,向负责阿富汗问题的秘书长特别代表兼联合国阿富汗援助团团长凯·艾德发出了邀请。


But in order for Kai Eide and UNAMA to accomplish that task, the financial resources they need to operate effectively must be addressed by Member States



Decides to restore all its rights to the People’s Republic of China and to recognize the representatives of its Government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations, and to expel forthwith the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek from the place which they unlawfully occupy at the United Nations and in all the organizations related to it.



Mr. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, President of Timor-Leste, was escorted to a seat at the Council table.



On the basis of national experiences, presentations of resource persons and the background note prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat (TD/B/COM.1/EM.14/2), the experts identified issues relating to anti-dumping and countervailing measures which might be addressed, as appropriate, in (a) future multilateral trade negotiations; (b) the current activities of the WTO Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices and its organs; (c) the WTO dispute settlement mechanism; (d) national policies of member States; and (e) the future work of UNCTAD and other relevant international organizations in this area, including technical assistance activities.

根据各国的经验、专业人士所作的介绍以及贸发会议秘书处编写的背景说明(TD/B/COM.1/EM.14/2),专家们指出了与反倾销和反补贴措施有关的问题,这些问题可视情况在下列场合或地方解决:(a) 未来的多边贸易谈判;(b) 世贸组织反倾销做法委员会及其机构的现有活动;(c) 世贸组织的解决争端机制;(d) 成员国的国家政策;(e) 贸发会议和其他有关国际组织今后在这方面开展的工作,包括技术援助活动。


but if Kay leaves the...

既然 凯不 在家...


The subsequent F-15DJ and F-15J Kai variants were also produced.

而随后的F-15DJ和F-15J改(F-15J Kai)的变体也随之产生。


We applaud Kai Eide for the way in which he has re-energized UNAMA since his appointment in March

我们赞扬凯·艾德自 # 月获得任命以来作出的振兴联阿援助团的努力。


John Jason and his wife, Kay, who spent part of their 26 years in Zambia serving in the district work, learned the need for patience when facing mechanical “machinations.”

约翰·雅松和妻子凯在赞比亚服务26年,其中有几年从事区域探访的工作。 他们学会在汽车出现机械故障时保持忍耐。


Romania awaits with great interest the prompt presentation of comprehensive recommendations from the Secretary-General on the way forward for Kosovo, based on recently finalized assessments and, especially, on Ambassador Kai Eide's review of the political conditions in and surrounding Kosovo



We can just steal that ascendant contraption, find out what Kai knows.

我們 可以 把 那個 占星 儀偷來 搞清楚 Kai 知道 些 什麼 把 他 扔 在 這


The issues paper prepared by the secretariat (TD/B/COM.3/60) considers the importance of transport for promoting trade and economic development, highlighting the factors affecting transport costs.



“... to restore all its rights to the People’s Republic of China and to recognize the representatives of its Government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations, and to expel forthwith the representatives of Chiang Kai‐shek from the place which they unlawfully occupy at the United Nations and in all the organizations related to it”.

“......恢复中华人民共和国一切权利,承认其政府代表为中国在联合国组织的唯一合法代表,并立即把蒋介石的代表从它在联合国组织及其所属一切机构中所非法占据的席位上驱逐出去。” 年 度


The Annex reproduces paragraphs 15-26 of document TD/B/COM.2/CLP/10, relating to the practices of territorial exclusivity and parallel imports, exclusive dealing, tying requirements and exclusive grant-backs.

