
发布时间:2025-02-21 00:51

密苏里州 - 堪萨斯城




说到密苏里河,欧博百家乐你们还将能够驶上 Christopher S. Bond 大桥。这座桥是道路交通的关键连接点,在堪萨斯城地区的日常运作中起着至关重要的作用。它让汽车和货运能够顺利跨过密苏里河。



大家期待探索堪萨斯城的另一半吗?如果是的话,不妨将密苏里州DLC添加至你们的 Steam 愿望单吧,这对我们即将推出的内容很有帮助!大家可以通过关注我们的微博,持续获知有关美洲卡车模拟的所有最新开发消息!货运不止,下次见。


Missouri - Kansas City

Welcome to the Heart of America! Located near the geographic center of the United States, Kansas City is one of the many destinations you'll be able to explore in our upcoming Missouri DLC for American Truck Simulator. Today, we're excited to share more information and previews of this bustling metropolitan area. Let’s take a closer look!

For players who own the Kansas DLC, this location may already familiar to you, that's because the city straddles the Missouri and Kansas state line! In the Kansas DLC, players could admire the city’s skyline and explore the surrounding industrial areas. In our upcoming Missouri DLC, you will have the opportunity to drive through the heart of the city and see what the other side has to offer.

From iconic skyscrapers to buildings like the Kansas City Convention Center, the State Court building, the Federal Building, the Tech Center, and a new sports stadium located by the Missouri River; you'll be able to discover plenty of landmarks across the city. This includes the opportunity to travel through its downtown area, which will be accessible by owners of both the Kansas and Missouri DLC!

Speaking of the Missouri River, you will also be able to travel across the Christopher S. Bond Bridge. This crossing is a key connection point for road traffic and plays a crucial role in the daily operations of the Kansas City area. It allows for a smooth transition over the Missouri River for both cars and freight transport.

With such a busy city, comes the demand for logistics, transportation and more! Drivers will find a variety of industries to deliver to and from, including unique ones such as Underground Warehouses, which we covered in a recent blog topic, check it out here! 

Are you excited to explore the other half of Kansas City? Then consider adding the Missouri DLC to your Steam Wishlist, as it helps support our releases! You can also stay up to date with all our latest development news for American Truck Simulator by following our official X/Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages! Until next time, keep on truckin'.

