2014.09-2018.06 南京大学地球科学与工程学院地质资源与地质工程专业,欧博abg博士研究生
2016.09-2017.09 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,联合培养博士研究生
2012.09-2014.06 南京大学地球科学与工程学院地质工程专业,硕士研究生
2007.09-2011.06 兰州大学土木工程与力学学院地质工程专业,获得工学学士学位
2018.09-2022.02 中山大学,欧博官网博士后
2022.02-至今 中山大学,副教授
1. 基于水分感知的... ... 钙质砂扰动沉降机制研究,国家自然科学面上基金,49万,欧博2024.1.1~2025.12.31,主持;
2. 基于分布式信息的南海... ... 蠕变分布及发展规律研究,国家自然科学青年基金,27万,欧博娱乐2020.1.1~2022.12.31,主持;
3. 基于分布式光纤技术的南海... ... 机理研究,中央高校基本科研业务费,18.9万,2019.1.1~2021.12.31,主持;
4. 交通基础设施结构损伤部位早强增韧加固材料与快速修复装备,国家重点研发计划子课题,60万,2023.12.1~2026.11.30,主持;
5. 高压高温、高原岩溶和深大断裂破碎带隧道突水突泥施工防控关键技术,国家重点研发计划子课题,19万,2023.4.1~2026.3.31,主持
1. Ding-Feng Cao, Hong-Hu Zhu*, Bing Wu, Jia-Chen Wang, and Sanjay Kumar Shukla. Investigating temperature and moisture profiles of seasonally frozen soil under different land covers using actively heated fiber Bragg grating sensors. Engineering Geology 290 (2021): 106197.
2. Ding-Feng Cao, Hong-Hu Zhu*, Cheng-Chao Guo*, Jing-Hong Wu, and Behzad Fatahi. Investigating the hydro-mechanical properties of calcareous sand foundations using distributed fiber optic sensing. Engineering Geology (2021): 106440.
3. Ding-Feng Cao*, Sanjay Kumar Shukla, Lin-Qing Yang, Cheng-Chao Guo*, Jing-Hong Wu, and Fu-Ming Wang. Responses of calcareous sand foundations to variations of groundwater table and applied loads. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2021).
4. Ding-feng Cao, Hong-hu Zhu*, Chengchao Guo, Bing Wu, and Jiachen Wang. Passive distributed temperature sensing (PDTS)-based moisture content estimation in agricultural soils under different vegetative canopies. Paddy and Water Environment (2021): 1-11.
5. Ding-feng Cao, Bin Shi*, Hong-hu Zhu*, Hilary Inyang, Guang-qing Wei, Yan Zhang, and Chao-sheng Tang. Feasibility investigation of improving the modified Green–Ampt model for treatment of horizontal infiltration in soil. Water 11(2019): 645.
6. Linqing Yang, Chengchao Guo, Dingfeng Cao*, Zejun Han, and Fuming Wang. Analysis of dynamic response of two-dimensional orthotropic layered media with imperfect interfaces between layers. Applied Mathematical Modelling 101 (2022): 171-194.
7. Linqing Yang, Zejun Han*, Chengchao Guo, Dingfeng Cao*, Pengpeng Ni, Fuming Wang. An innovative solution for the dynamic response of buried pipelines in layered transversely isotropic soil under pavement structures. Computers and Geotechnics 143 (2022): 104602.
8. Dingfeng Cao*, Hongyuan Fang*, Fuming Wang, Honghu Zhu*, and Mengya Sun. A fiber Bragg-grating-based miniature sensor for the fast detection of soil moisture profiles in highway slopes and subgrades. Sensors 18 (2018): 4431.
9. Dingfeng Cao, Bin Shi*, Steven P Loheide II*, Xulong Gong, Hong-Hu Zhu*, Guangqing Wei, Lumei Yang. Investigation of the influence of soil moisture on thermal response tests using active distributed temperature sensing (A–DTS) technology. Energy and Buildings, 173 (2018): 239-251.
10. Dingfeng Cao, Bin Shi*, Guangqing Wei, Shen-En Chen, Hong-Hu Zhu*. An improved distributed sensing method for monitoring soil moisture profile using heated carbon fibers. Measurement, 123, (2018):175-184.
11. Dingfeng Cao, Bin Shi*, Honghu Zhu, Hilary I. Inyang, Guang-qing Wei, Chao-zhe Duan. A soil moisture estimation method using actively heated fiber Bragg grating sensors. Engineering Geology, 242 (2018): 142-149.
12. Dingfeng Cao, Bin Shi*, Honghu Zhu*, Guangqing Wei, Hainar Bektursen, Mengya Sun. A field study on the application of distributed temperature sensing technology in thermal response tests for borehole heat exchangers. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78 (2018): 3901-3915.
13. Dingfeng Cao, Bin Shi*, Honghu Zhu*, Chao-sheng Tang, Zhan-pu Song, Guang-qing Wei, Ankit Garg. Characterization of soil moisture distribution and movement under the influence of watering-dewatering using AHFO and BOTDA technologies. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 25 (2019): 189-202.
14. Dingfeng Cao*, Hongyuan Fang*, Fuming Wang, Honghu Zhu*, Mengya Sun. A Fiber Bragg-Grating-Based Miniature Sensor for the Fast Detection of Soil Moisture Profiles in Highway Slopes and Subgrades. Sensors, 18(2018): 4413.
15. Dingfeng Cao, Bin Shi*, Hong-hu Zhu*, Hilary Inyang, Guang-qing Wei, Yan Zhang, Chao-sheng Tang. Feasibility Investigation of Improving the Modified Green–Ampt Model for Treatment of Horizontal Infiltration in Soil. Water, 11 (2019): 645.
16. Ding-feng Cao, Bin Shi*, Honghu Zhu*, Guangqing Wei, Shen-En Chen, Junfan Yan. A distributed measurement method for in-situ soil moisture content by using carbon-fiber heated cable. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 7 (2015): 701-707.
17. Dingfeng Cao, Bin Shi*, Honghu Zhu*, Kun Zhu, Guangqing Wei, Kai Gu. Performance evaluation of two types of heated cables for distributed temperature sensing-based measurement of soil moisture content. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 8 (2016): 212-217.
18. 曹鼎峰, 施斌*, 严珺凡, 魏广庆. 基于C-DTS的土壤含水率分布式测定方法研究.岩土工程学报, 43 (2016): 43-50.
19. 曹鼎峰, 施斌, 闫继送, 魏广庆, 海那尔·别克吐尔逊. 土的含水率C-AHFO法现场长期分布式监测可行性研究, 工程地质学报, 26 (2018): 432-437.
20. 曹鼎峰, 施斌, 顾凯, 魏广庆. 土的含水率AHFO法测量中分段函数模型建立. 水文地质工程地质, 35 (2016): 910-915.
21. 曹鼎峰, 施斌, 严珺凡, 魏广庆, 费冰. BOFDA技术综述及用于岩土工程监测的可行性研究. 防灾减灾工程学报, 33(2013): 132-137.