翻译 '国民' – 字典 英文

发布时间:2024-05-31 06:35


Soundness: the Friends of the Chair should review the soundness of the accounting structure, of the proposed methods for its implementation and of linkages with other accounting systems, particularly the System of National Accounts, 1993;



A State may not present an international claim in respect of an injury to a national or other person referred to in draft article 8 before the injured person has, subject to draft article 15, exhausted all local remedies.


报告有八个部分:(a) 治理活动;(b) 参与情况以及价格和国民账户状况活动;(c) 风险评估和时间表;(d) 能力建设活动; (e) 外联活动;(f) 数据访问政策;(g) 财务状况;(h) 比较方案的未来。

The report has eight sections covering (a) governance activities; (b) participation and the status of price and national accounts activities; (c) risk assessment and timetable; (d) capacity capacity-building activities; (e) outreach activities; (f) data access policy; (g) financial status; and (h) the future of ICP.


该项《公约》的缔约国并一致认为,教育应使所有的人能有效地参加自由社会,促进各民族之间和各种族、族裔或宗教团体之间的了解、容忍和有一,和促进联合国维护和平的各项活动; 《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》,尤其是第五条款,该款禁止一切形式种族歧视,并保证人人有不分种族、肤色或民族或族裔在法律上一律平等的权利,尤得享受思想、良心与宗教自由的权利; 《儿童权利公约》,尤其是第 # 条,该条禁止因儿童或其父母或法定监护人的宗教而有任何差别;第 # 条,该条规定尊重儿童享有思想、信仰和宗教自由的权利;及第 # 条,该条保证属于宗教少数的儿童信奉自己的宗教并举行宗教仪式的权利; 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》; 《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》,尤其是第二条,该条规定:"灭绝种族系指蓄意全部或局部消灭某一......宗教团体”; 《关于难民地位的公约》,尤其是第四条,该条规定难民在关于举行宗教仪式的自由以及对其子女施加宗教教育的自由方面,应至少给予其本国国民所获得的待遇;和第三十三条,该条禁止将难民驱逐至其生命或自由因为他的宗教而受到威胁的国家; 《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》,尤其是第 # 条,该条涉及移徙工人及其家庭成员享有思想、良心和宗教自由; 国际人道主义法律的相关条款,其中尤其是 # 年 # 月 # 日的四项《日内瓦公约》及其《附加议定书》。

b) The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in particular article # which ensures the right of everyone to education that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedom. States parties to the Covenant further agree that education shall enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial, ethnic or religious groups, and further the activities of the United Nations of the maintenance of peace



As for the activities of political parties, four officially registered political parties were already operating in independent Uzbekistan on 1 January 2000 after the collapse of the old one-party system and, following the nationwide elections, their representatives became members of the national parliament.



Supporting the efforts of the Government of Iraq and the Council of Representatives to review the Constitution and implement its provisions;



The Committee commends the State party for its political will and commitment to fulfilling the legal obligations established by the Convention, as expressed in the new Constitution (2006), which includes the State’s guarantees for equality of women and men and development of equal opportunities policy (article 15); the possibility of introducing special measures to achieve full equality (article 21); and the obligation to ensure equality and representation of women and men and members of national minorities in the National Assembly (article 100).


欧洲联盟于 # 年 # 月 # 日决定通过的法律文书(上文提及的共同立场和共同体条例)禁止欧洲联盟成员国国民或居民向资助恐怖主义的个人或实体提供资金或经济资源(条例第 # (a)条)。

The legal instruments which the European Union decided to adopt on # ecember # (the Common Position and Community Regulation referred to above) prohibit nationals or residents of European Union member States from making funds or economic resources available to persons or entities linked to the financing of terrorism (art # (a) of the Regulation


委员会注意到缔约国承诺将官方发展援助由目前国民生产总值的 # %增加到 # 年的 # %,但表示关注,发展援助的数额仍然低于联合国所定国民生产总值 # %的目标。

While the Committee takes note of the State party's commitment to raising the level of official development assistance from the current # per cent of GNP to # per cent by # it expresses concern that the level of development assistance still falls short of the United Nations target of # per cent of GNP



Specifically, Kuwait asserts that “in the first days after liberation the National Guard essentially served as a police force for Kuwait”.


年,人均国民生产总值为 # 美元,据世界银行的统计,为中低收入国家。

With a per capita gross national product of US$ # in # according to the World Bank ranking Senegal is a lower-middle-income country



The convening of the emergency loya jirga, the adoption of a new constitution and the holding of presidential and parliamentary elections are just some of our major accomplishments



Eurostat and the Government of France co-own one of the world’s most common tools for the compilation of national accounts, the ERETES system.



The Special Rapporteur has identified a number of legal provisions that do not fulfil the above-mentioned requirements, and recommended that the Government start a process of review and, at the same time, stop arrests and convictions under those legal provisions, namely, the State Protection Act (1975); the Emergency Provisions Act (1950); the Printers and Publishers Registration Act (1962); the Law Protecting the Peaceful and Systematic Transfer of State Responsibility and the Successful Performance of the Functions of the National Convention against Disturbance and Opposition (No. 5) (1996); the Law Relating to the Forming of Organizations (1988); the Television and Video Law (1985); the Motion Picture Law (1996); the Computer Science Development Law (1996); the Unlawful Association Law; the Electronic Communication Law; and sections 143, 145, 152, 505, 505 (b) and 295 (A) of the Penal Code.


此外,不得不从贝鲁特撤出 # 万多人,而同时在黎巴嫩仍然有 # 万名第三国国民

Further, more than # people have had to be evacuated from Beirut, while # third-country nationals are still in Lebanon



The first Iraqi Council of Representatives was established following the parliamentary elections held at the end of 2005.


年 # 月 # 日和 # 日,中心与刚果国民议会共同举办了面向刚果共和国议员的人权问题培训班,其目的在于向国会议员介绍人权标准和机制。

On # and # ovember # the Centre delivered a training programme on human rights for parliamentarians of the Republic of the Congo co-organized with the Congolese National Assembly and aimed at introducing human rights standards and mechanisms to parliamentarians



The Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991 states, in article 1, that “Colombia is a social state under the rule of law, organized in the form of a unitary republic, decentralized, with autonomy of its territorial units, democratic, participatory, and pluralistic, based on respect for human dignity, the work and solidarity of the individuals who belong to it, and the prevalence of the general interest”.


为了为即将举行的各项选举做好选民登记,内政部在开发署的支助下,向1 087 600人分发了国民身份证,其中特别以妇女和脆弱群体为对象(收到国民身份证的人之中有58%为妇女)。

To permit the registration of all voters for the upcoming elections, the Ministry of the Interior, with the support of UNDP, distributed national identity cards free of charge to 1,087,600 people, targeting women and vulnerable groups in particular (58 per cent of people who received the national identity card were women).



However she cancelled meetings with various constituent and political groups, and the sympathy resulting from her husband's death soon dissipated.



Furthermore, the Angolan National Assembly decided to create a Commission for Peace and National Reconciliation, which is to examine the prospects for establishing mechanisms that may facilitate contacts with the main parties and other relevant actors.



the status of nationals of one country resident in the other, in accordance with the Framework Agreement initialled in March 2012;



The wilful provision or collection, by any means, directly or indirectly, of funds by their nationals or in their territories with the intention that the funds should be used, or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in order to finance the travel of individuals who travel to a State other than their States of residence or nationality for the purpose of the perpetration, planning or preparation of, or participation in, terrorist acts or the providing or receiving of terrorist training; and


关岛2005年国民总收入估计为25亿美元,相当于人均收入15 000美元,而美国大陆2006年的人均收入是43 500美元。

The gross domestic product (GDP) of Guam in 2005 was estimated at $2.5 billion, which was equivalent to $15,000 GDP per capita compared to $43,500 per capita for the United States Mainland in 2006.



The 54 cases reported to the Working Group occurred in 1998 and concerned Ethiopian nationals who were reported to have been arrested by the Eritrean police in front of the Ethiopian embassy in Asmara.
