这是一篇是所有申请者都必须要提交的文书,属于典型的why school,还比较容易写。
Essay Option 1
We’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed”? Or “tickled orange”? Give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents.
– Inspired by Ramsey Bottorff, Class of 2026
我们都熟悉“绿眼睛”代表着嫉妒或忧郁的感觉,但是“caught purple-handed”或者“tickled orange”?
Essay Option 2
"Ah, but I was so much older then / I'm younger than that now” – Bob Dylan. In what ways do we become younger as we get older?
– Inspired by Joshua Harris, Class of 2016
“啊,欧博但是那时我老得多/我现在比那时候年轻”——Bob Dylan
Essay Option 3
Pluto, the demoted planet. Ophiuchus, the thirteenth Zodiac. Andy Murray, the fourth to tennis's Big Three. Every grouping has something that doesn’t quite fit in. Tell us about a group and its unofficial member, why (or why not) should it be excluded?
– Inspired by Veronica Chang, Class of 2022
Essay Option 4
"Daddy-o", "Far Out", "Gnarly": the list of slang terms goes on and on. Sadly, most of these aren’t so "fly" anymore – “as if!” Name an outdated slang from any decade or language that you'd bring back and explain why you totally “dig it.”
– Inspired by Napat Sakdibhornssup, Class of 2028
“Daddy-o”、“Far Out”、“Gnarly”…俚语的列表不胜枚举。遗憾的是,其中好像大多数不再那么“流行”了。
Essay Option 5
How many piano tuners are there in Chicago? What is the total length of chalk used by UChicago professors in a year? How many pages of books are in the Regenstein Library? These questions are among a class of estimation problems named after University of Chicago physicist Enrico Fermi. Create your own Fermi estimation problem, give it your best answer, and show us how you got there.
– Inspired by Malhar Manek, Class of 2028
芝加哥有多少钢琴调音师?芝加哥大学教授一年使用的粉笔总长度是多少?雷根斯坦图书馆有多少页书?这些问题是以芝加哥大学物理学家Enrico Fermi命名的一类估算难题。
Essay Option 6
And, as always… the classic choose your own adventure option! In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking.
Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!
往年经典题目(部分)参考 ⬇
1. Exponents and square roots, pencils and erasers, beta decay and electron capture. Name two things that undo each other and explain why both are necessary.
– Inspired by Emmett Cho, Class of 2027
2. “Where have all the flowers gone?” – Pete Seeger. Pick a question from a song title or lyric and give it your best answer.– Inspired by Ryan Murphy, AB’21
3. “Vlog,” “Labradoodle,” and “Fauxmage.” Language is filled with portmanteaus. Create a new portmanteau and explain why those two things are a “patch” (perfect match).– Inspired by Garrett Chalfin, Class of 2027
4. Due to a series of clerical errors, there is exactly one typo (an extra letter, a removed letter, or an altered letter) in the name of every department at the University of Chicago. Oops! Describe your new intended major. Why are you interested in it and what courses or areas of focus within it might you want to explore? Potential options include Commuter Science, Bromance Languages and Literatures, Pundamentals: Issues and Texts, Ant History... a full list of unmodified majors ready for your editor’s eye is available here.—Inspired by Josh Kaufman, AB'18
5. You are on an expedition to found a colony on Mars, when from a nearby crater, a group of Martians suddenly emerges. They seem eager to communicate, but they're the impatient kind and demand you represent the human race in one song, image, memory, proof, or other idea. What do you share with them to show that humanity is worth their time?—Inspired by Alexander Hastings, Class of 2023, and Olivia Okun-Dubitsky, Class of 2026
芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago,简称UChicago、“芝大”)由石油大王约翰·洛克菲勒于1890年创办,坐落于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市,一所私立研究型大学,属于全球大学校长论坛成员,入选英国政府“高潜力人才签证计划”。
◾ 语言成绩要求:
◾ AP、IB与A-Level: