‎DIRECTV on the App Store

发布时间:2024-07-17 02:09

Liljmia , 10/31/2019

Who expected AT&T to honor their promise?

AT&T knows nothing about honoring their promises, they just know milking their customers. Greed is how they operate. I hope everyone cancels over this short sighted nickel and dime tactic they’re doing every few months now. When I signed up it said we wouldn’t have prices raised at all, you were locked in with your phone plan. Now every few months they keep changing the terms and bumping up the price. It’s time to cancel this garbage. Unchecked Greed is how you lose everything. Now instead of quietly making the money I was paying monthly for the service, a service I wasn’t even using more than 2-5 days a month, now you guys will make NOTHING. Congratulations ATT! I hope the numbers hurt your bottom line. Might go ahead and end my relationship with ATT altogether, find a new provider that operates with integrity and respect for their customers. Without customers your company is nothing. $0 coming in from this account once the new price hits. Hope regulators get involved and break this monopoly up. This is why they’re needed, to keep greedy companies like this from taking advantage of customers.

Bradkw89 , 09/23/2019

AT&T wrecks everything

This app WAS amazing when it was direct tv. However since the switch to at&t, I cannot get more than 2 minutes, if I’m lucky, through my recordings or live shows without an error message. Extremely frustrating. All of the things posted by at&t about deleting the app and restarting your device then redownloading said app and the like are crap. I guess they want to sound like they have a solution. Well, no. Just no. Yes my computer is turned on. Thanks tech support. Although the app was amazing for my use, there were some bugs anyway. Like if u pause live tv then come back 5 minutes later and play, it will restart live. What’s the point of pausing again? Oh yeah: so u don’t miss anything. A couple of months ago I would’ve rated high but now, I’m upset that I can’t rate lower than 1 star. I hope u read this at&t. I really hope u do. Aren’t you like the biggest telecommunications company on the planet? Had your internet once. Had being the keyword. Never had the advertised speed and if a door was shut between the modem and the chosen device in use, the signal dropped like a lead balloon. Do u just have so much money that u don’t care about the consumer anymore? I’ve been paying for your cel service for 15 years (from before u took away unlimited data like greedy pigs) and paid the exorbitant amount for your internet and cable for 6 years so the least u could do is make your only free thing work again before u had to throw your logo all over it.

Suzyq1226 , 02/10/2021

Works most of the time, could be better

I feel like there should be more improvements to this app, and out of all the reviews I bet people have made the suggestions already. But one huge and main complaint is that this app crashes far too often and when I go back to the middle of the show I was watching it starts over! So frustrating. I also don’t know why after I’ve watched a show from a series it doesn’t indicate anywhere that it’s already been viewed like most other media apps like Netflix, it shows the bar at the bottom showing you watched it until the end. This app only shows it when you’re in the middle of a show, but then you have to hold it doesn’t crash or it just starts over anyway. Also when you minimize the screen it keeps playing which is an awesome upgrade with the iPhone software too but if you go back and forth a few times from maximum to minimum the app crashes. So some definite things need to be fixed!

Now a couple positives- it is nice that you can favorite channel, much better looking home screen than other apps, and pretty user friendly, except for the things mentioned above. It does record all my shows without any hiccups, knock on wood, but again even after I watch them they stay in my recorded shows and no indication whether they’ve been watched by a status bar or check mark.
