Society of Classical Poets

发布时间:2024-05-26 18:42

James Sale on May 26, 2024

Sorry to learn of this. Rest in Peace and Poetry, Lionel.

Lucia Haase on May 25, 2024

Thank you so much Cynthia! Much appreciated. Lucia

Yael on May 25, 2024

Sounds like you've gone on a warpath Susan. The first two poems have a mystical quality about them. Due to…

Joseph S. Salemi on May 25, 2024

Augustine's key objection to "lust" (ordinary sexual desire, called "luxuria" in Latin), is that succumbing to it means one's will…

Joshua C. Frank on May 25, 2024

Thank you, Susan! I’m glad you enjoyed it so much; see my comments to others for my take on the…
